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What you need to know about spray paint safety

When you decide to spray paint, there are a number of things you need to do beforehand to ensure you have the right spray paint safety measures in place. Spray paint can be harmful if inhaled or if it comes in contact with your skin. Spray paint safety is vital for those that are spray paints every day but for those that may be using it on a one-off basis.

What is spray paint safety?

If spray paint is used incorrectly, it can cause a number of problems and potentially become hazardous. Spray paint aerosols are classed as one of the most hazardous aerosols available to anyone, so we want you to be as safe as possible while enjoying spraying.


The storage location of your spray paints is one of the first safety steps you need to think about. Do not store it anywhere that it can set alight as they are extremely flammable. If placed somewhere in the cold it can also degrade the quality of your paint.


Before you start spraying, we recommend risk assessing the spraying location. If you are going to be spraying outside you may think it is completely safe however if the spray can have a consistent amount of sunlight on it, you could experience exploding bottles where it has got to hot. If you are going to spray paint inside you should make sure any heat sources such as any household appliances are turned off including all radiators, electric heaters, stoves or electrical tools.

Masks and ventilation equipment

Most spray aerosols will have some form of solvents in them that if inhaled are not good for the body. If you do not have the right protective clothing or masks, you are more likely to be exposed to health complications as a result of inhaling vapours or being in direct contact with the paint. A few common health symptoms you can get from using aerosols incorrectly include:

  • Itchy skin
  • Itchy eyes
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nose and throat irritation

There are several forms of protection you can look at purchasing. Look at getting respiratory aids such as those from Protective Masks Direct which cover both your mouth and eyes. They work in a way that breaks down the gas particles and stop it from reaching you.

If you are working outside this is fine regarding ventilation. However, if anyone is helping or overlooking the project we recommend, they also wear a respiratory mask. If you are working indoors, make sure that the room is well ventilated, open all windows if at all possible. If the space you are working in doesn’t have many windows, we suggest looking at air vents and fan systems.


We always recommend looking at getting yourself protective clothing or wearing clothes you do not intend to wear again. You should also remove any rags or clothing from the spraying area, even if washed they can still hold chemical particles which if in close contact with a flame or extensive heat they can still set a light. If you would like to look at protective over clothing, we recommend taking a look at Alexandra as they have a range of colours to choose from. If you do find that the paint does come into contact with your skin, we always recommend washing it off straight away as you want to minimise the risk as much as possible. If you have any irritation arise as soon as it touches we recommend getting in touch with your local GP in case you are allergic or have had a bad reaction.

Damaged cans

You should be aware that damaged cans should not be used, when a can is damaged, it can cause a variety of problems including leaking which means you could potentially be exposed to the chemicals within the can or compression. Compression is where dangerous levels of pressure can build up within the can itself. We always recommend before you use a spray can look for any signs of potential damage on the exterior if the aerosol.

Best ways to use your aerosols cans

We always recommend taking the time to paint your desired area in small bursts rather than long ones. Not only will this be good for your help but it also allows you to build up the colour perfectly. It is also more important to do small short burst if you are in a confined space to reduce the impact of spray can vapours.

You can use the paints on a number of materials including glass paint aerosols and wood primers. You can also spray a range of medals including car wheel alloys.

Pro aerosols have also recently released a video of how we use our aerosols and the best ways to achieve certain base colours. If you follow our How to – Spraying Tutorial you can achieve the best colour and finish. If you do have any questions regarding any of our paints don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Spray paint safety is extremely important and shouldn’t be missed even when doing home improvement projects. We hope this article didn’t shy you away from spray paint aerosols. We want all of our customers to have fun when spraying and really enjoy themselves.

Before you do spray make sure you have a good respirator and google before setting off as you want to protect your eyes and breathing as much as possible. Make sure your arms and legs are covered at all times when spraying as you want to reduce the amount of exposure to your skin as much as you can.

Darren Cullen

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